What is NLP
NLP is a great tool that gives, NLP learners, practitioners, psychologists, and therapists, direct access to the SOURCE CODE inside the brain that is responsible for creating, developing, and running your feelings, actions, reactions, patterns, behaviors, and filters, that drive your life.
NLP is the user manual of the brain, neurological system, and feelings. It shows the deep connection between all of them, how they interact with each other and how they affect your life in all directions.
NLP techniques are very strong and grant access to the root cause of all unwanted feelings and limiting beliefs inside the brain to deal directly with them and create an immediate change.
NLP is a way to create balance in your life, your feelings, and your thoughts by developing a new language, you use it to be able to move into a less depressing past, less stressful present, and of course less anxious future.
By using NLP techniques, you would be able to read and understand your patterns and feelings stored inside your subconscious mind, Pull them out to the level of the filters, edit and modify and put them back to the place they were before, with a different meaning.
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- NLP is the art of communication. How you constructively deal with yourself and others.
- NLP techniques deliver a strong tool to grant access to behavioral filters that are responsible for all types of unwanted feelings and changing them to generate better feelings.
- NLP provides you with a reflecting mirror; you see your nervous system from the inside out.
- NLP is the best way to look at the world from a different perspective.
- NLP delivers more awareness about the coding inside your subconscious mind.
- NLP would be like a field full of components where good practitioners pick and choose one or more, to form the perfect technique according to the given situation.
- NLP provides the perfect tools for excellence. All the techniques are designed in a way to lead you towards your target, goals, and outcomes.
- NLP helps people around the globe to unhook themselves from the past negativity and hook themselves into the potentials of the future.
- NLP is an amazing tool you use to reset the coding inside your brain and start fresh.
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What is Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP
Ultimate impact
NLP is creating real impact in peoples lives. the impact is immediate, real, and life changing. NLP techniques are so powerful to so that people can notice the change on the spot
Amazingly powerful
NLP technique are extremely powerful. after all, your conscious and the subconscious mind will work in harmony again so you enjoy your experiences and the feelings related
It is for everybody
Everybody can use NLP or benefit from it. It is one of the best tools to deal with all type of challenges
Straight forward
NLP techniques are direct and straight forward. They lead directly to the root cause and work with the source
Less negative feelings
NLP can change the negative and unwanted feelings in a short time. The change is permanent and lasting. NLP works perfectly to resolve depression, stress and anxiety
NLP helps people to deal with their past challenges, yet it is a very strong tool to deal with the future as well. It helps people to create the perfect mindset
Better comprehension
NLP gives you the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. You always tend to take small chunks from any experience and discard the rest. With NLP you are able now to restore the ignored data and form another point of view of the same old event
Better language
NLP helps you to process the information, events, and experiences you went through. Your language is not true as much as it can be by using NLP techniques. The New Generation of NLP opened the road to help others to establish a new better language to be able to change feelings and behaviors instantly
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
NLP is a great tool that gives, NLP practitioners, psychologists, and therapists, direct access to the SOURCE CODE inside the brain that is responsible for creating, developing, and running your feelings, actions, reactions, patterns, behaviors, and filters, that drive your life.
NLP is the user manual of the brain, neurological system, and feelings. It shows the deep connection between all of them, how they interact with each other and how they affect your life in all directions.
NLP techniques are very strong and grant access to the root cause of all unwanted feelings and limiting beliefs inside the brain to deal directly with them and create an immediate change.
NLP helps people to do the following:
- Accessing and reprograming past events to eliminate negative feelings
- Creating a positive mindset in the present to eliminate stress
- Programing new behaviors to be able to deal with the future with less anxiety
- Establishing strong communication with yourself
- Establishing strong communication with others
- Enhancing leadership skills
- A better understanding of the internal processing levels
- Enhancing thinking level
- Creating more awareness
- Extracting resources from inside the subconscious mind
- Opening the communication between the conscious and subconscious minds
- Discharging negative emotions
- Understanding yourself
- Understanding others
- Better decisions Making
- Creating better strategies
- Removing limiting beliefs
- Accessing filters to edit and modify
- Creating new filters
- Creating new behaviors
- Accessing the root cause of all behaviors
- And many many more
How NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has started? What is the difference between the classical code of NLP and the New Generation of NLP?
For a better understanding of what NLP really is, we will do a comparative approach between Psychology, Hypnotherapy, the classical code of NLP, and the New Generation of NLP, where everybody was in a race to find the main resistant part inside the brain.
According to all methodologies that deal with mental health, the brain is divided into two parts, The Conscious mind, which forms only 10% of the brain, and the Subconscious mind which forms the other 90% of it.
Psychology deals directly with the conscious mind and prefers not to tackle the subconscious mind, as it is the main resistant part. The subconscious mind is similar to an ocean full of emotions and contradictions and it’s better to stay away from it.
In psychology, people talk about their challenges consciously and frequently in front of a psychologist, and by doing so, the subconscious mind is forced to provide only, the necessary information related to the discussed topics, without the need to dive inside it. This way, a person would be safe from the emotional charges that exist inside. The subconscious mind creates real resistance that prevents making any change.
Hypnotherapy, on the other side, deals directly with the subconscious mind to create a change and isolates the conscious mind as it is the main resistant part inside the brain. The person is not awake or aware of the whole process. The hypnotherapist is the one who is solely creating the change inside the subconscious mind of the person.
Between psychology and hypnotherapy, resistance got lost and took totally different directions. This affected highly the field of application and made it harder to locate and define the MAIN RESISTANT PART.
Two different methodologies created two different fields of applications and different techniques. And there where NLP was born, in the cradle of two contradicting parents, psychology and hypnotherapy.
From this approach, between psychology and hypnotherapy, we understand the main idea behind Neuro Linguistic Programming and why it was created in the first place.
The main concept behind NLP was opening a channel of communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds.
So what would happen if we could manage to deal with the two parts inside the brain, the conscious and the subconscious mind at the same time, instead of dealing with only one part?
This way we would be dealing with 100 % of the brain.
According to the classical code of NLP, people want consciously to make a change while subconsciously resisting and fighting it. This was the first great influence of psychology on NLP. We indeed open the communication between both brain parts, but for only one purpose, to remove the resistance from inside the subconscious mind. So the classical code of NLP adopted the psychological concept of the existence of resistance inside the subconscious mind. why is that?
From its beginning, NLP witnessed many changes throughout the years in the field of application, while the techniques remained the same.
The classical code of NLP started as the art of modeling which is based on studying successful peoples’ strategies, making a fully detailed steps plan, and transforming them into blueprints. By giving the blueprint to others who manage to follow the same steps, they can succeed as the original model did.
The Modeling
The two co-founders, Grinder and Bandler’s first model, was Virginia Satir, a well-known American psychologist. Virginia used linguistic tools to help her patients to dive more inside their knowledge structure to help them challenge the type of information resulting from their previous experiences. This method is taken from the ten cognitive distortions in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Later on, we called it in NLP, the Meta Model.
This method is based on asking many targeted questions to remove the ambiguity from people’s language and knowledge structure.
The more she helped her clients to chunk and dive down into the structure, the more their language became more precise and clear to explain the real feeling. Virginia as a psychologist deals only with the conscious mind and avoids dealing with the subconscious mind as it is responsible for creating resistance. This affected highly the development of all NLP techniques in the classical code that adopted the same concept.
So the main purpose, behind using NLP techniques, was to remove the resistance from inside the subconscious mind by opening the communication bridge. And the second purpose was to help the conscious mind discover and be able to read for the first time, what type of information is stored inside the subconscious mind.
Later on, the two co-founders were introduced to Milton Erikson, an American psychiatrist, and hypnotherapist. By modeling him they reached a shocking new experience.
While Virginia used to chunk down to remove the ambiguity from others’ language, Milton Erikson was chunking up to create more ambiguity and confusion in the conscious mind, by empowering the hypnotic language, and that is what we call later on in NLP the Milton Model.
This affected NLP highly because the 2 modelings were different, yet most of the NLP techniques were already being developed according to the first modeling of Virginia Satir.
The result of this conflict was:
1. leaving all NLP techniques as they are without any modification since everybody was already adopting and applying them.
2. Using the Melton model and the hypnotic language separately.
The Meta Model and the Milton Model now go in parallel side by side. And this explains why all NLP schools now teach NLP and Hypnotherapy at the same time.
The expansions
What happened next?
The classical code of NLP now is in its fifth or sixth expansion where Modeling was the first expansion.
Later on, the NLP community started to emphasize the role of Rapport in controlling and manipulating others. NLP trainers around the globe started to stuff the media with the new propaganda to get more opportunistic clients. And this was the second expansion in NLP.
Years later, NLP was heavily involved in therapy till now, and this represents the third expansion.
The NLP community started to find a new field of application for NLP where it became a cornerstone in the business community, which started to adopt NLP techniques in sales, marketing, organization, leadership, and many more. This was the fourth expansion in NLP.
During the whole era, the NLP community tried to develop many sections outside the umbrella of NLP.
– Life coaching adopted the Meta Model and developed a multi-billion industry out of it.
– EMDR took the eye-accessing cues to develop their techniques.
– Tad James developed the timeline therapy based on the three positions on the timeline.
And many others
During the development of NLP, the two co-founders witnessed many legal issues among them due to copyright where Bandler and Grinder got separated.
Later on, Grinder revoked the classical code and developed the New Code of NLP, based on creating new resources to enhance the change instead of using the already existing ones. And this was the fifth expansion in NLP.
Bandler kept using the classical code combined with hypnotherapy.
Till now the NLP community is witnessing still, some confusion where many schools are still teaching the classical code alone or combined with hypnotherapy and life coaching, while Grinder is teaching the New Code of NLP.
Conclusion: All of the above resulted in pushing the field of application into opening the communication between the conscious and subconscious minds to fulfill only one target, which is getting the approval of the subconscious mind, as it is the main resistant part, to accept the change proposed by the conscious mind. and this was the influence of psychology on NLP as a result of modeling Virginia Satir.
Later on, NLP adopted the idea of using hypnotic language, creating a trance state and ambiguity as a result of modeling Milton Erikson.
This means that Hypnotherapy laid its shades on the classical code as much as psychology did, which explains why the classical code of NLP is pulled between both two methodologies. In another word, the classical code was born between psychology and hypnotherapy and was highly affected by both.
The New Generation of NLP
This remained until 2015 when Jihad Abou Zeid, discovered the real part inside the brain that is responsible for the resistance which is surprisingly neither the conscious mind nor the subconscious mind. and this was explained in detail in the CFSTP.
The CFSTP revealed the part, inside the brain, that is controlling the whole system and acting as a dictator, and preventing the direct connection between the conscious and the subconscious minds. This part is the community of the filters, that resides in the middle of the conscious and subconscious minds, and is divided into two types:
– Type one: that works only during the day when people are living and experiencing life.
– Type two: works only during the night when people are asleep. That’s why we should always get enough sleep hours daily to help type two get the job done.
Jihad started developing the New Generation of NLP and the result was the ATH (Advanced time healing), and the TDC (Timeline Deep Cleansing).
Jihad’s method is based on raising awareness at the level of the conscious and subconscious minds by surrounding and controlling the main resistant part inside the brain, and for the first time, the main two parts inside the brain could communicate properly to create an immediate and permanent change.
Practice showed us that the subconscious mind has large awareness and need for change, more than the consciousness itself.
The new Generation of NLP is not considered as another expansion in the field of application. It is a totally new Methodology, where NLP was reinvented especially when Jihad reached a certain understanding of How the brain works. We are now in front of three parts inside the brain instead of only two.
In conclusion, the amazing discovery of the CFSTP was enough to define and understand the real transition protocol inside the brain which disclosed the real main resistant part. For the first time, The NLP community could stand face to face in front of the main resistant part inside the brain, and surprisingly it was NEITHER the conscious mind as hypnotherapy adopts NOR the subconscious mind as psychology adopts. It was a total dictator sitting on the borders of the two parts of the brain, running the whole show, without any control, divided into two types, and controlling the whole system. We were just pointing and hitting the wrong parts all the time.
By using the new understanding in the New Generation of NLP, we could reach now the capacity of opening the communication bridge between the conscious and the subconscious minds like we never did before.
The new methodology in the New Generation of NLP changed the whole perception of the brain where all techniques in the classical code were built accordingly to point the resistance to the subconscious mind. Many techniques are not applicable now after reaching a new understanding of the CFSTP.
The discoveries in the New Generation of NLP were the result of initiating thousands of sessions with people suffering from all types of negative and unwanted feelings, especially PTSD.
The discovery was called CFSTP, and it was an eye-opener to a new world. as a result, other amazing discoveries appeared in the New Generation of NLP, which are the ATH (Advanced Time Healing) and TDC (Timeline Deep Cleansing).
The New Generation of NLP changed the methodology, the field of application, and the techniques at the same time, where more than 55 new techniques were developed to give solutions to everyday life challenges.
People’s lives are not the same again, they can now, by using NLP techniques, and only NLP, without the need for any other methodologies, create an unbelievable immediate change in their lives that helps them to clean the past behaviors, patterns, feelings and most importantly limiting beliefs, to feel at ease and have fun in their present free of negative stress, and prepare themselves to plan, organize, and live a better future free of negative anxiety.
In the New Generation of NLP and the discoveries (CFSTP, ATH, and TDC), it was obvious to us, that the subconscious mind has an amazing awareness more than we could imagine. The subconscious mind is asking and begging for change sometimes more than the consciousness itself.
In the new methodology (ATH / advanced time healing), we changed the perception of time to accommodate all the techniques now. we filled the gaps that used to accompany the classical code techniques, and we developed more than 55 techniques to be applied to the timeline.
Once we understood the role of each part inside the brain and the transition protocol between all parts, we could understand the need for new techniques that work properly with the new understanding.
Your subconscious mind is your best friend. Your conscious mind is your best fellow.
Join them together, and be ready for wonders.
Jihad Abou Zeid.