IUNLP NLP training and certification

IUNLP Certified trainer - Awareness and Training

IUNLP certified trainers 

NLP trainers around the world are welcome to join the IUNLP and benefit from what the community has to offer


IUNLP trainers are divided into several types 

1- NLP trainers who studied NLP outside of the IUNLP, who are already practicing and training NLP, have joined the IUNLP and learnt the New Generation of NLP.

2- NLP trainers who studied the new generation of NLP with the IUNLP.

3- ATH (Advanced Time Healing) Trainers who studied with Jihad directly.

4- ATH trainers who studied with one of the trainers’ members of IUNLP 

All these trainers are certified and qualified to spread the knowledge and the awareness of the New Generation of NLP and the ATH© (Advanced Time Healing), in addition to spreading every new discovery for the benefit of humanity.

The IUNLP Trainers will always be on top of the knowledge so they transmit it to their trainees and others.

IUNLP certified trainers are eligible to teach the New Generation Of NLP and the ATH to their students which they become certified by the IUNLP and part of the group as well.

IUNLP will always take care of its certified trainers and their students as part of the community.

NLP training

IUNLP is providing NLP training and certification from UK to the whole world. All courses are based on the discovery of the New Generation of NLP and the ATH, developed by Jihad Abou Zeid, the founder of IUNLP.

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